DWI Enforcement
Four years ago Bill said; "Drinking and driving is a matter of personal responsibility. However, police officers who fail to enforce DWI laws commit a moral abdication of their duties." Bill made a promise to make DWI enforcement a priority in the operations at the Sheriff's Office.
Promise Made - Promise Kept.
Tarrant County DWI enforcement is up by over 400%! Anyone who says DWI is not a major crime has never had to knock on a door and tell a family that their mother, or father, or son, or daughter was killed by a drunk driver. We will continue to make the streets of Tarrant County safe by enforcing DWI laws, and doing everything we can to keep drunk drivers stay off the roads.
Child Abuse
Four years ago Bill said; "It is all of us who must defend a child in need, anything less is a moral failure." Bill made a promise to do everything he could to protect children, regardless of it was physical, medical, or emotional neglect.
Promise Made - Promise Kept.
Tarrant County Sheriff's Office has led the way in Texas for human trafficking. Bill stood up a Human Trafficking Unit and they have become the standard for cases that involve human trafficking and the human trafficking of children. Bill and the TCSO have worked to take predators off the street where ever and when ever we find them.
Bill also started the community outreach program called "Christmas for Children of the Incarcerated" which provided over 800 children with Christmas presents who otherwise would have gone without. Children should not have to bear the burden of their parent's bad choices. because of this program The Sheriff's Office and Bill were able to ease that burden so kids could enjoy Christmas.
Four years ago Bill said; "If we ignore our veterans and first responders, how long can we expect the bells of freedom to ring?". Bill promised to Never Forget the men and women who served our great country.
Promise Made - Promise Kept.
Bill created the first ever veterans pod in our detention bureau. It is run by veterans, for veterans. They are giving them the discipline and structure only veterans can understand. This pod is working to help veterans get the care they need as they work to re-enter society as productive members.
Border Issues
Four years ago Bill said; "A country that fails to secure its own borders is a country that is constantly fighting invasion." Bill promised to work to secure our boarders and work to hold people who come to this country illegally accountable to the laws that they broke.
Promise Made - Promise Kept.
Bill uses every program available to him for immigration enforcement to help hold criminal aliens accountable for crimes they commit while in the United States as well as for being in this country illegally. He swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the State of Texas and the United States, and he has worked to honor that oath.